Troy Aichele has spent 30 years in the mechanical construction industry, with extensive experience in office buildings, high-rise, hospitality, hospitals, casinos, and schools in both remodel and new construction environments. Troy is recognized as an effective team builder as well as a leader in business and sales planning, scheduling, cost-control, design, energy efficiency evaluations, constructability, value engineering, and labor productivity. Troy expediently problem solves with personnel ranging from field workers, contractors, engineers, architects, accountants, purchasing, insurance and bonding agents, auditors, and developers on large scale projects that differ in teams, schedule, location, and design. All MMCA events are offered free to members. We are located off the north frontage road behind the Hampton Inn & Suites in building marked Woodside V. Note: The building front doors do not unlock until 7:30 am. 7:45AM-8:15AM Breakfast 8:15AM-10:15AM Blueprint Reading 10:15AM-11:15AM Estimating 11:15AM-12:15PM Lunch Break 12:15PM-4:15PM Estimating (Continued)
Estimating and Blueprint Reading with Troy Aichele
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 (7:45 AM - 4:15 PM)
10590 Wayzata Blvd. Ste. 100
United States
Estimating and Blueprint Reading with Troy Aichele
Regardless of whether you work in the field or in the office, knowing how to read blueprints is a critical skill every person in the mechanical construction industry must learn and it is essential for project management, change orders, risk management, and estimating. In his seminar you will learn the fundamentals of how to read mechanical blueprint drawings along with other sets of drawings and interactive activities for groups to find varying items within the Contract Documents. The seminar will also cover the basics of the entire estimating process which include performing a piping take-off and calculating a bid. The instructor will cover lessons learned from real life bidding experience and strategies to recover from common bidding challenges. Attendees will walk away with a road-map on how to calculate key risk indicators that can be implemented into your company's estimating process immediately.
MMCA Training Center
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 (7:45 AM - 4:15 PM)
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